How To Choose a Zendesk Implementation Partner

May 30, 2024

You have given Zendesk a lot of thought before selecting it as your customer support software. Now, you are eager to enjoy all the benefits of this advanced CX platform.

So, how do you begin to reap the full benefits of this innovative yet complicated all-in-one solution to omnichannel customer support? In this guide, learn why choosing a Zendesk Implementation Partner is so important and what considerations to make when looking for one.

Why a Zendesk Implementation Partner Is Important

Zendesk is an award-winning help desk management solution designed to take your customer service to a new level to drive business growth. However, correctly implementing it with your team’s workflow is the key to leveraging success with the software. A Zendesk Implementation Partner will ensure everything is done right from the start. These experts will set up your Zendesk to work for you, elevating your customer service team from the get-go. 

Zendesk Implementation Partner Role + Benefits of Hiring One

A Zendesk Implementation Partner is the ultimate guide when it comes to setting up a Zendesk. They go the extra mile to ensure the platform meets your business’s specific needs and requirements. Here are some common roles of a Zendesk Implementation Partner:

  • Implement and set up new environments
  • Design and develop help-center themes
  • Help with integration with tools such as Salesforce and HubSpot
  • Assist with data migration they carry out admin and user training
  • Review and optimize current Zendesk environments

Zendesk Implementation Partner Benefits

Zendesk Implementation Partners have a deep understanding of the platform, allowing them to assist you in fully utilizing the software features to meet your business goals. They can also provide ongoing support to ensure that all challenges are quickly resolved and help you implement Zendesk faster, increasing productivity.

4 Tips for Choosing a Zendesk Implementation Partner

Some factors you need to consider before contracting a Zendesk Implementation Partner include:

  1. Transparency: Hire a Zendesk Implementation Partner who is honest about their full capabilities and is willing to share the steps they will take to deliver your requirements.
  2. Experience: Remember to ask your potential Zendesk Implementation Partner to share evidence of past successful projects showing the skills you desire.
  3. Certifications: Look for partners with the Zendesk Partner Program certification, which showcases their ability to run successful implementation projects.
  4. Customer Reviews: The best way to gauge potential partners is to get direct feedback from clients they have successfully handled in the past.

What To Look for in Zendesk Implementation Partner’s Package

Here are some considerations to make when reviewing a company’s Zendesk Implementation Partner’s package:

  • Clear Expectations: Look for a partner that sets clear expectations for timelines at the beginning of the project to avoid misunderstandings and project delays.
  • Kickoff: A good partner should have a project kickoff, which is the first meeting between the partner’s team and the client. This is the best time to set expectations and sort out how everyone will work together to achieve common project goals.
  • Communication: Good communication allows for the smooth and timely running of the project. It ensures everyone stays aligned on project goals and builds trust among team members.

Find the Perfect Zendesk Implementation Partner

Getting acquainted with something new can be challenging, even with a popular CRM software such as Zendesk. However, hiring a competent Zendesk Implementation Partner will get you up and running with the software in no time.

Atkie Now is a trusted Zendesk Implementation Partner. We have the expertise and experience to guide you in discovering the endless opportunities of this innovative omnichannel software. Our services range from Zendesk optimization to data migration. Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your Zendesk integrations and implementations to enhance your CX strategy.


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